הר כרכום ממערב
Hunting scene Mount Karkom

 Mount Karkom Rock Art


There are 40,000 prehistoric rockarts petroglyphs ,engravings, in Mount Karkom in the Negev Desert Israel.   There are also numerous   religious sites here like altars , tombs, temples , pillars , tumuli - desert burial sites that suggests that Mount Karkom was a religious cult center and was used by generations of desert dwellers as a sacred mountain.   In here they recorded for us their

Mount Karkom Lizards Snakes and Crabs
Lizards Snakes and Crabs?

thoughts an their beliefs, or mythologies, which was  a  noble way to express their wonder and the bewilderments about their  world. These rockart were a reflection of their knowledge of the world and  it meant to explain events like creation for example. These artists  were strongly  influenced  from what they observed in the skies above them.  It was their main source of inspiration since the skies were the homes of their gods and their goal was to create a godly world on earth. 


Mount Karkom Rock Art Menorah

The rock art at Mount Karkom are  scenes and rituals  from the pre-historic  life. They recreate   rites such as:  adolescence, fertility, health  and life just like we do now. There are also numerous  abstract rock arts  like circles, eyes and boxes. There are also find engraved   writing  including a jsto-Canaanites attempts to call God by their jsper name to get their attention. 

The Menorah petroglyph